On Mon, 2 Mar 2020 at 13:10, Fabrizio Diversi via Ql-Users <
ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com> wrote:

> Yep, it is pretty cool.
> I am already using it to update files on different Ql machines.

It's definitely a solution to transfer files from emulated environments to
a BBQL if you can't use floppydisks or QL-SD.

> What I think is under estimated and not fully understood it is the
> possibility to use  Qbox not only with emulator that have tcp/ip built
> in but also by BBQL, Q6x with Simulant retro WIFI Rs232 adapter. The
> adapter is a very small box that connect to SER1 (powered by usual phone
> mini usb)

I personally use a Linux machine or Raspberry Pi with tcpser and a
USB-to-serial converter to exchange files to my BBQL. It has Hermes fitted
so the theoretical speed would be 19200 bps. In practice, your mileage may
vary depending on whether flow control (CTS/RTS) is working on your serial
link. Please read the QL-client.md file on the GitHub repository for more
info on how to use a BBQL.


*Jan Bredenbeek* | Hilversum, NL | j...@bredenbeek.net
QL-Users Mailing List

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