Hi Bob, Per, François, Derek,

thanks for letting me know.

It seems the version for java 11 is ok, not the one for java 8, though
both work ok here.

I re-upped the version for java 8 (also changing the version number).



> I updated the Java 11 version all is working okay on Linux.
> Maybe it's a Windows problem.
> Regards,
> Derek
> On 19 April 2020 13:57:29 BST, "François Van Emelen via Ql-Users" 
> <ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com> wrote:
>> Op 19/04/2020 om 7:56 schreef Wolfgang Lenerz via Ql-Users:
>>> Hi all,
>>> hot on the heels of SMSQE 3.36 comes SMSQmulator 2.29.
>>> Win drives can be made removable.
>>> NFA drives can handle (exec, save and load) files with an XTcc
>> footer,
>>> so that QL files can be  EXEC'd directly from a native drive.
>>> wlenerz.com/smsqmulator.
>>> Have fun
>>> Wolfgang
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> QL-Users Mailing List
>> Hi Wolfgang,
>> There seems to be a problem with 2.29.
>> Launching it displays a black screen.
>> About says: v 2.29 for Java 8.
>> François Van Emelen
>> _______________________________________________
>> QL-Users Mailing List
> ---
> Regards,
> Derek
> _______________________________________________
> QL-Users Mailing List
QL-Users Mailing List

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