Win drives are some time source of problems, according to my experience never exceed 1GB of data per single QXL.WIN . I suspect fragmentation, that affect native HW  on FAT file system, has some influence also on emulators.

As far as I know there are no tools to check integrity of win drive on emulators, on real HW we have the win_check command.


On 24/11/23 15:10, Bob Spelten via Ql-Users wrote:
That's what I did. A larger win2_ was formatted and dirs/files were copied with Cueshell from the old win2_.
I only hope any corruption was not migrated with it.
Are there any tools available to examine a suspect win drive?


Fabrizio Diversi via Ql-Users wrote:

no issue here, same with QPC and SMSQmulator.

I suspect your  win2 is corrupted in some way, it happened to me with the same error of "drive full",  try to use the tool QLWARZ from Per Witte to check if something change.


On 24/11/23 14:21, Bob Spelten via Ql-Users wrote:
I experienced a strange problem with Saving a text from QD.
Under QPC2 the Overwrite from QD to win2_ froze the emulator.
The same file under SMSQmulator8 to the same win2_ gave no problem.
The text file is about 250KB in size.

Saving to ram2_ from QD went OK on both emulators.
Backup of the ram2_ text to win2_ by QPAC2 froze QPC2 again, not under SMSQm8. Copy with QPAC2 now reported 'drive full' while it claimed 28MB free on win2_. Then I found that the same Copy from SMSQm8 had saved only 10% of the text - QPAC2 reported the full size - thus avoiding the 'drive full' error.

The emulators, SMSQ/E & QD are the latest versions running under W$7.
I also tried older versions with the same result.
So why is the free MB size wrong?
Why does QPC2 freeze and not report an error from QD?
Why does SMSQm8 deceive me into thinking it all went OK?


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