At 10:15 ìì 2/2/2001, you wrote:
>On 2/2/2001 at 10:36 AM Francois Lanciault wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > You are all invited to the 2001 North America QL show that will be held
>this year
> > on june 2 at the Loyola High School in Montreal (Canada). Motel location
>and and all
> > other relevant information will follow soon. Hope to see as many QL
>freaks as
> > possible! If you want to come (I already know some of you), please drop
>me a line,
> > it is nice to know who will be there.

although I don't have Visa problems, unfortunately, I will be in Greece 
from May 29-June 18th. It's a bummer. Last time I was still in Europe and 
now that I am here, I have to leave :-(


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