In article <3A825108.14856.1FBD1@localhost>, Wolfgang Lenerz
>On 6 Feb 2001, at 22:38, Peter Graf wrote:
>> Roy Wood wrote:
>> >Oh and Marcel, beware of adding a MMU facility to QPC 2 until we have
>> >found out why the Q 40 has so many problems with some Qliberated code.
>Actually, I don't think that this is the MMU facility. I have had the same 
>problems under QPC and QXL (!) in newer versions of SMSQ/E.
I wrote this quite late at night and I thought after I sent it that
there was something else to be taken into account. 

I remembered the next day. When I first fired up QPC2v2 I had a similar
problem as well. I just forgot it. It turns out that Jochen has also
experienced the same so maybe the problem is lying around somewhere in
the new drivers. Hard to pin down because it works on some Q 40s and not
on others. When I finish getting QL Today sent out I will sit down and
try to find out exactly what circumstances cause it. When we first
investigated in on the Q 40 it was suggested that the MMU worked
differently on some versions of the processor. 

Roy Wood
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