Dave Westbury wrote: 
> Yes, it's little things like having to disassemble ALCHP/RECHP/CLCHP to find
> where the (undocumented) link address is for BASIC/compiled heaps that makes it
> interesting - not! BTW its $0E(A6) offset in BASIC variables (now I'm wondering
> what $CE to $0E has been used for??).

sb_colrm equ    $bd     ; byte    colour specification mode (0 or iow.papx)

sb_wherr equ    $be     ; word    when error clause line number
sb_wheiu equ    $c0     ; byte    when error in use
sb_inint equ    $c1     ; byte    in interpreter
sb_erno  equ    $c2     ; long    error number
sb_eline equ    $c6     ; word    error line
sb_estmt equ    $c8     ; byte    error statement

sb_pcerp equ    $cc     ; long    error position during parsing / compiling
sb_pcern equ    $d0     ; long    error number during parsing compiling

sb_qlibe equ    $dc     ; ******* QLiberator error table
sb_cheap equ    $e0     ; ******* common heap pointer
sb_qlibc equ    $e8     ; ******* QLiberator configuration
sb_qlibr equ    $ec     ; ******* QLiberator runtimes


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