In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Geoff Wicks
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Malcolm Cadman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [ql-users] Election 97
>> Just downloaded it recently. Nice program Geoff !
>> Very instructive too :-)
>Thanks. During the 1992 General Election it was used by a school in
>Incidentally, when I first wrote it, a similar program could not have been
>run on an affordable PC. It would have needed a minimum of a VGA card, which
>in those days were scarce and expensive commodities. Pity the QL display,
>which was one of its early strengths, did not keep up with the PC. Even a 8
>colour 512 x 256 display, which I believe was possible on the Thor, would
>probably have helped to retain more people as QL users.
>> It would be useful to be able to show all the 'safe' seats, or all the
>> 'marginals', etc, for each party.
>Good suggestion, although may be more difficult to implement than it seems.
>The safe/marginal information is not stored by the program, but calculated
>each time a constituency result is accessed.
>After the General Election I shall initially just update the results
>information ASAP. Later I shall have to look at changes to the program
>itself, including full compatibilty with high colour mode.

Ah, I didn't realise how you had implemented the database information.

Perhaps have a generation phase where all the seats are created with the
current percentages to each party, and then store the 'safe' and
'marginal' data, i.e. the respective party comparisons.  This could be
helfd in ram memory, maybe even saved to a file.

I suppose you could then also have the percentage of 'swing' required to
change a seat from one party to the other :-)

Then you should think about getting a TV station to use the program !

Malcolm Cadman

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