Norman said -

"........ so please disregard my request for help - thanks anyway."

No probs Norm. After all, you did say "please" AND "thank you".

Oh, if only all of life's little requests were so easy to comply with.

Best Regards,

John in Wales

All my friends (and a dark stranger I met in the bread shop and the milkman
and the local police and a man digging a square hole in the road) asked me
to tell you that they will comply also. But some also asked me to emphasise
("please") that - as far as they are concerned - this is a once-only
compliance.  I quote "... and tell him not to go thinking he can just do
this sort of a thing at any old time".  Their words Norman, not mine.

Note-1: Sorry Norman, I met them in a different order than that stated, but
the total is correct.

Note-2: Of course, the police wanted to see 'hard copy' before I got them
onside.  I selected monochrome and 'DRAFT' - I hope that was OK by you.

However, I havn't asked all my family yet. I'm fairly confident of all
except Little Ben (he's one-and-a-half).  He can just be a bit of a
stickler sometimes.  But best not to lose any sleep - he'll see ga-ga sense
in the end I'm sure.

That only leaves the ga-ga goverment and the Quantum Leap List - and then
you're home and dry.  (;>)

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