Hi All, I am travelling to the AGM Show in Portishead with Dilwyn as usual, but the nice bit is that he is here in Ireland on holiday staying with me for a few days first - hence I have a car I can fill going back to the Show, but not on the way back again obviously. I have several big pieces of QL hardware I want rid of - Mostly Monitors, Tower Cases, etc. If anybody wants any of this, please email me before Friday morning, and I will bring it across for you. Normally I wouldn't have the car, so this is your chance is you want any of this clobber :-)) You will HAVE TO TAKE WHATEVER YOU ORDER - I don't want to be stuck with this and no way to get it back to Ireland again! This is basically what I have. Most items are free to be taken away, some obviously will have a price (QXL2 for example, but they will be cheap - I promise!!) :- Microvitec Cub 14" Colour Monitor (white) on Swivel Stand/Base wired for QL TATUNG 14" Colour/Green Screen (Switchable) Monitor with QL Cable Microvitec 14" cube-like metal cased monitor with internal Audio/Speakers Empty PC Tower Case, suitable for Building a QL, with 200W PSU and Floppy Several SER1 to Parallel Printer Interfaces for the QL QXLII (25Mhz, 68040, 8Mb, etc.) Emulator Card for PC with network ports etc. Loads of original QL Power Supplies (about 5) Tower Cased 486 PC with 8Mb RAM, floppy and hard drives, Windows 95 loaded. Miracle Systems black Twin Floppy Drive Unit (inc. Cables, PSU, etc.) Single Floppy drive unit (metal cased white with PSU and cable etc.) QL with Keyboard 90 Interface fitted several PC Keyboards (both PS/2 and 5-pin DIN) Give me a shout if you see anything you want, Darren. [EMAIL PROTECTED] ******************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify us immediately at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and delete this E-mail from your system. Thank you. It is possible for data transmitted by email to be deliberately or accidentally corrupted or intercepted. For this reason, where the communication is by email, the Bank of Ireland Group does not accept any responsibility for any breach of confidence which may arise through the use of this medium. This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of known computer viruses. ********************************************************************