On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 08:52:31PM +0100, Duncan Neithercut wrote:
> Hi
> Richard Zidlicky made a patch for MMU and Qlib problems for SMSQ/E 2.98 on
> Q40.
> Having used it I have found 3 things
> - the Qliberator compiler now works & compiles on my Q40 - at last - many
> thanks Richard.
> - ProWesS does not install properly all the time after patching, failing
> with a can`t find library message. I don't yet know if this is due to the
> patch or that I am using the version of ProWessS recompiled with GCC that
> Thierry Godefroy posted on his site or to the caches/ timing issues on Q40.

cache setup did change with the patch, try some some of the cache_off
commands to see if anything changes. I had myself similar problems
with an earlier ProWesS version in different configurations.


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