On Samedi 12 Mai 2001 20:56, Derek Stewart wrote:

> Hi,
> lloks like Nene Valley BBS is cosing down at the end of May this year.

This is bad news: QLCF BBS was a "point" on Nene Valley (I also poll QBBS
though) and Nene Valley was the relay between QBBS and SyncNet (SyncNet
itself relaying messages to/from MausNet and Internet maus.computer.ql*

> If any requires a BBS to call then my system, Holborn View is open 24 hours
> on a dedicated telephone line.

So is mine (QLCF BBS).

> The system runs on a Supergold card QL, Superhermes,

Same here (+Aurora+Qubide+RomDisk).

> USR Courier modem. Connect speeds upto 33600 baud, but due the rubbish
> telephone lines 28800 and sometimes 31200 is available

28800 max for QLCF BBS (good line: if yours is good you'll get 28800).

> There is lots of interesting QL specific software for download, which comes
> from all the QL Internet sites.

Same here.

> I have links to the Fidonet, which can give other computer interests.
> If anyone is interested then please call.....

Would you be able to ensure relaying to SyncNet ?

QDOS/SMS forever !


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