> At the moment I can use only 32 MB under SMS. Only Linux supports the
> whole memory. Neither the amount of RAM nor the amount of hard disk space
> is really needed under SMS. It's just to show that it's possible and
> people that are used to the resource waste of Windoze sure like to see
> these huge values ;)

Whenever I have to compare my system, I usually point out that when I
first got my 128K QL, 32K went to the screen, a bit more to system
variables, etc leaving 77K free for use.  I could then run a text
editor, Assembler, Machine Code Monitor AND the program under
development in this memory whereas most people with PCs with 640K memory
could only barely run one of these programs at a time, requiring Windoze
if they even wanted to do something similar, unlike the native QL OS.

Now I point out that with 2M of memory the programs and data rattle
around inside my QL (I've never run out of memory working with my QL,
but had lots of problems of insufficient memory errors when trying to
get PC programs to run, even with 32M installed therein!), and my
floppies each hold 3.2M of data each (my box of 10 is roughly equivalent
to a 30M hard disc that was the PC norm when I got my QL disk drives)!

Hohum, Cm

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