On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 08:10:24AM +0100, Norman Dunbar wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Malcolm Cadman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: Re: [ql-users] Re: UK General Election
> >> Thanks ... this will make it more fun following the current election
> >> too.
> Excuse me Malcolm, but did you mention the word 'fun' in the same sentence
> as 'election' ?
> Shurley shome mishtake :o)
> Here is my preview of how the election will go :
> 1. We will all get very bored very quickly.
> 2. Most people won't bother to vote.
> 3. The government will get in.
> 4. All their promises to make life better/easier/less taxed will be
> forgotten.
> 5. We won't notice any difference.
> 6. Except for more tax :o(
> 7. They are all a bunch of lying self centered good for nothing low lifes.

> 8. None of then have or use (or even know) what a QL is. (Had to get back on
> topic:o) )

that does have advantages: didn't we all enjoy the news how particularly
hard most parliaments worldwide have been struck with the ILOVEYOU virus?
The best proof they are a bunch technically clueless idiots who know
nothing better than use their computers to view porn for our money.

We wouldn't have this fun would they use sane software.


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