----- Original Message -----
From: Norman Dunbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [ql-users] Virus alert (No, not a hoax !)

> I got a private email Geoff.

Thanks, also to Tony.

The reason I posed this question was that you were the only people to report
the virus, but you would have expected a lot more QLers to have caught it.
If it writes to everyone in the address book, it means that it was also sent
to this group but we were protected from it. Nice to know.

It rather reminds me of the early days of the aids scare, when a single
doctor said that the amazing thing was not the number of people who were
HIV+, but the number of people who were not.

I know if my address book were to become infected, all ql traders and many
of my clients would be getting an unwanted "present" from me. Fortunately I
have never had virus trouble, although I regularly get a suspicious spam. I
examined it on a QL (aren't we lucky we can do that) and it seems more like
an attempt to plant a trojan than a virus.

To quote an old NATO slogan "Vigilance is the price of Liberty".

Geoff Wicks

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