On Lundi 02 Juillet 2001 19:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, Malcolm Lear wrote:
> > I have the documented sources for the CST SCSI hard drive if anyone
> > requires them.
> Hi,
> is it possible to publish these sources? What about the rights of the
> author, do you know anything about this?
> If they're well documented, we might learn a lot.

I don't think so: Thor/REBEL drivers were NOT DD2 (device drivers
level 2) compliant, and introduced quite a lot of nasty incompa-
tibilities (regarding file headers, directory entries, file types,
etc). I would discourage anyone to port them "as is" on another
system... and adapting them may take more time that writing a
proper SCSI driver from scratch !

The ONLY thing that could be of some interest is the low level
stuff (i.e. SCSI protocol implementation), but even there, the
SCSI protocols have evolved so much that I am not sure it is
worth the effort...

Believe me: to write the ATAPI CD-ROM device driver, I first
looked at Linux device driver sources: I finally gave up,
downloaded the ATAPI spec from Internet, printed them, read
them and then all became obvious !

QDOS/SMS forever !


PS: note that a lot of the work I put into the ATAPI CD-ROM
    driver could be re-used quite easily for a SCSI driver
    (if there is any need for it !): this is just a matter
    of adapting the low level stuff (and even there, ATAPI
    is just a subset of SCSI protocols...).

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