>>>Just think of it as "nobody has any problems to raise"...
>>>(i.e. be positive)

Greetings All

I joined this list recently having finally acquired a QL for myself. 
I say finally as years ago I was one of those who put their name down 
in advance for when the Spectrum came out and was a Sinclair fan. 
When the QL was introduced I really desired one but could not justify 
the expense but now, thanks to a friend in my local Mac User group, 
I'm the proud owner of a box of bits and bobs that supposedly work. 
I've been told that someone was running their small business from it 
up until recently so am hopeful there will be no faults.

I did a search and came up with your group but on looking through the 
messages so far, apart from the obvious jokey ones it all seems 
incredibly technical so my question is...is this the forum for me as 
a complete QL novice or is there another one that you know of for 
those at a lower level of comprehension?

My interest is purely for 'fun' as has my computer experience so far 
in general.  From the Spectrum I progressed to an Amstrad PCW and 
then to my first Apple.  I have stuck with Apple over the past few 
years but never had a PC, in fact up until a few weeks ago I never 
had to use a computer at work but now an elderly PC has been 
installed to get our remote section of the Social Services connected 
to Norfolk's County Hall.

When it comes to programming I know virtually nothing.  I have no 
need to write programs for my Apple but I vaguely remember tapping in 
listings back in the Spectrum days and writing the odd routine but 
that would always be in Basic.

So there you are, what do you think I should do?



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