At 02:37 μμ 18/7/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I have a question regarding the SMSQ/E Hard disk driver on my Q60.
>The issue is outlined in the correspondence quoted below. Any idea,
> > > >When my hard disk has stopped, and some access attempt
> > > > wakes it up again, it doesnt quite manage to spin up before
> > > > the file system beeps.
> > >
> > > The file system beeps? Never heard that before.
> > The fact that something beeps when the IOSS is unable to complete an
> > operation is obviously as new to you as to me, then. In fact I have
> > heard it before, namely in the demo version of QPC2: When you try to
> > save a file (writing to media has been disabled in the demo) you get
> > a "buzz" instead. I presume what this means is that although the
> > filesystem has accepted the transaction (the file is apparently
> > visible until the end of the session) it has not been commited to
> > the media! The problem is, that it is too late to return an error at
> > this stage as the call has already returned, so it buzzes instead to
> > alert the user to the condition.
> >
> > Ok, so back to my situation: When my drive has stopped, any
> > io-access to the drive starts it up again. Great! However, the
> > drive does not manage
> > to spin up in the time allotted before the IOSS gives up with
> > failure. Another < second would have done the trick. Is there
> > a way of changing this (a poke, if nothing else)?

One thing I can tell you with certainty is that MOST drives have a way of 
either "waking" up through a command from the IDE I/F or by changing the 
contents of a register on the drive they won't spin down. Try checking out 
with the manufacturer of the hard drive on what to change (Some of them do 
have a jumper for this feature - IIRC Seagate ones)


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