
On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, Bill Waugh wrote:

> Hi all
> I just downloaded Thierry's cd stuff and have a couple of questions for
> your combined wisdom
> 1. will this allow me to use a cd writer on Q40

Thierry has done very good work, there is an ATAPI Thing so that every
ATAPI device can be programmed for. You can even play around with it from
SBASIC!!! See sample basic program.
The problem I see is the annoying Slaving mechanism of SMS. It terribly
slows down the machine, so how can you create the data stream needed for

> 2. if the answer to 1 is no then would be I able to read cd's on q40
> that I had written files to on a cd writer in a PC.

I burn CDs under Q60 Linux (for example backing up my SMS file systems).
Now I can access the CDs from SMS! (Be careful, the drivers is still in
the testing phase)
> I can imagine Thierry reading this and wondering if we users are ever
> satisfied, well maybe not Thierry but we are forever grateful - many
> thanks.

Yes, we cannot be thankful enough.
> All the best - Bill

I've tested Audio CD playing and reading of QLWA file systems with
qxltool, it works well on Q40 and Q60! Has someone tested the CDROM driver  
with Qubide?

powered by Q60 * Motorola 68060 / 80 MHz * 80 MB RAM * 30 GB Hard Disk

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