Hi Nasta,

>Not entirely on-topic... and probably a question for Peter Graf:

I'd say fully on-topic! You talk about QL hardware, and I am sure it is one
of the purposes of this list.

>The Q60, AFAIK uses either a 66MHZ 68060 or a 75MHz (clocked at 80MHz)

Almost. The 66 MHz version is a 68060RC60A (60 MHz) chip clocked at 66 MHz.
This is the fastest available 68060 chip with both MMU and FPU. I have
never found a real 66 MHz chip with both MMU and FPU. It is said that in
the early days of the 68060 there were some, but this is likely to be a
saga only.

>My question is: were any tests conducted with clocking the 66MHZ
>regular 060 at a higher clock, and if so, what were the findings?

As you see above, it is no regular 66 MHz chip, but the "A" version of a 60
MHz chip, overclocked by 10 %. The heatsink is largely oversized, so the
die is actually a lot cooler than with normal operation at 60 MHz.

I even ran the 68060RC60A at 70 MHz and more without noticeable problems,
but I wouldn't use that for production.

>68k CPUs are know to be very conservatively spec'd.


>I've already asked this on my QLhardware e-group, but got no reply.

I had replied on the ql-developers list. The list owner has kindly alowed
hardware development issues there, and I very much prefer open mailinglists
to Yahoo-groups.

I thought you were subscribed to ql-developers. I apologize for not sending
a copy of my reply to your personal adress.

What is the background of your questions? Do you plan to add a 68060
upgrade socket to the GoldFire specs?



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