At 04:44 μμ 10/11/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>Phoebus R. Dokos wrote:
> > try to place the @$!!@@$! graphics cursor in the middle (works ONLY with
> > SCALE 100) and then move 1 just ONE pixel to the right and see what 
> happens.
> > Then please try to put text on the ABSOLUTE coordinates 350,98 (Absolute
> > memory address: SCR_BASE+((800*98)*2)+(350*2))
> > and PLEASE tell me if you did it HOW the hell you did it.
>I really don't know where your problem is, this just works as
>expected. The only thing I had to change was to do a "border #0,0,0"
>in advance as the default #0 has a border width of 1 which would make
>the text appear at 352,99 instead of 350,98.
> > Then do the same on a WINDOW of 800x600 on a different size screen
> > (1024*768) and again if you do it (which I doubt it) tell me how you 
> did it.
>paper#3,3   <-- so that really the pixel at 350,98 will be filled
>Works fine.

Well it doesn't work for me... Maybe my QPC is shot? My QPC btw does other 
weird things like refusing to load Turbo and switching numbers like 10 or 
25 to Exponential form etc. etc. etc.


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