At 11:52 μμ 11/11/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>Phoebus R. Dokos wrote:
> > Hmmm,
> > it might sound a stupid question to some of you but... how do we add
> > TURBO_TK as a module to SMSQE.bin?
>The code must be supplied in module format (I think this is already
>available for Turbo). Then there's a SBASIC programm called ADDM_bas
>from Tony Tebby which does the adding-job:
>100 REMark - add module to bootloader file
>110 OPEN #0, CON: CLS: BORDER 1,4
>120 height = 17


Thanks Marcel,
BTW: I had 2.03 but I downloaded again and run wdiff on it. It appears that 
the ZIP got corrupted somewhere and SMSQE.bin had 2 !!! bytes difference 
somewhere (don't remember where.... I have it if you are interested). 
CURSOR does work perfectly now. (Though SCALE doesn't very well but that's 
another story.... And Turbo is working fine BTW although... only if you use 
<= 16 Megs. >16 Megs make it crash on startup with Arithmetic Overflow 
errors :-)


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