On Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 09:51:49AM +0000, Tony Firshman wrote:
> W98 died at the first sign of problems - blue screen saying cannot read
> from drive C - and that was it.  W98 never even started to load from
> then on.
> Under Linux, things continued apparently normally for a very long time.
> The only sign of problems were the odd segmentation error, and, very
> unusually, a system lockup.

do you read /var/log/messages? Every problem should be recorded there. 
Or install logwatcher, it will email you a summary of "unusual"
messages every day.

> I run Linux and W98 side by side 24hr on two machines.  Linux needs
> rebooting maybe once every two months, and then only because it is
> clearly getting short of memory.  I bet there is a Linux task I can run
> to help that!   

it should be fairly easy to get some diagnostic what might be causing 
the  problem.

To get back OT, in SMSQ the problem is that users gets very little
indication whether the problem is a HW error or a damaged filesystem
or perhaps an error in the partition table. It could be that Bill's
problem was a filesystem problem, not at all HD fault.


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