At 05:25 μμ 8/1/2002 +0100, you wrote:

>On 5 Jan 2002, at 14:57, Phoebus R. Dokos wrote:
> > Hi all,
>(Q60 being cheaper than a windows PC + QPC)
>Hmm, but what about the case where you HAVE to have a PC
>Then QPC does seem a cheaper way ....

I do totally agree with you, the point I was making was regarding why 
someone should invest (provided other reasons didn't exist) to a PC in 
order to do QL work... :-)

For portable use too is (right now) the only option.

If a QL user (again IMHO) wanted to get a PC with Linux then he/she could 
have the same results with a Q60 and at the same time supporting the 
platform AND getting a real hardware QL based machine :-)

That's all


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