On Tue, 8 Jan 2002 19:37:01 +0000 (GMT), Dexter wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Thierry Godefroy wrote:
> > It is on the Italian club website (link on my Web site page), as
> > well as in the new QDOS/SMS systems software repository:
> > http://smsq.free.fr/
> I downloaded the zipped JSROM disassembly, but winzip claimed it had a bad
> CRC so I couldn't open it. Could someone else check it?

Yes, alas the original zip file I got is corrupted (the basic3_asm file is
damaged), but nevertheless you may unzip everything (just use the plain

> Also, Thierry, if you'd like a US mirror, let me know.

The problem with a mirror is that I would have to upload everything again
(and with a 56K modem this still has some cost you know...). Moreover I
think that my provider (free.fr) got a very good bandwidth (including to
US). If you encounter problem, let me know, I will then perhaps reconsider
your kind proposal.  :-)

QDOS/SMS forever !


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