
The Second Law of Thermodynamics

In any closed system, there will be a tendency towards increasing entropy.
Only in an open system, with energy being input, can there be an intrease
in order.

I'm now going to tell you what to do to "save" the QL scene. I'm not going
to tell you how to do it, though I certainly have some ideas.

The QL is withering. Those few who are left do not have the resources, or
the inclination, to invest energy in it. I can think of maybe ten people
who are actively giving energy to the QL scene. Not for profit. Not for
personal gain. Because they love it.

Tony. Nasta. Peter. Thierry. Others whodeserve to have their name here,
but who I haven't talked with much yet.

We all have our own ideas about how to move things forward, and that's
great, but it's all small things. These small things are big things to
their creators and the people who want the feature, but they're small
things in the grand scheme of things. The energy that has to be invested
to accomplish even a modest task is astronomical. The gratitude generally
lacking. (Have I told you how grateful I am to you all for your work over
the last 18 years?)

Things have to change. Information has to be shared. It has to get EASIER
to develop for the QL. Information is hard to come by? Too hard! Those ten
people I mentioned earlier have many of the answers, and the knowledge was
hard won. It takes a lot of effort and energy.

This list is the best exchange of information I have seen.


Sorry, just feeling a bit frustrated.


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