At 01:29 ðì 13/1/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>Phoebus R. Dokos writes:
> >I tried my CF adapter with my A7000 and it works
> >like a dream :-)... Another extra ;-) Booted RISC
> >OS 3.x like a charm and then copied my entire
> >hard drive to a (on loan 1 Gb Microdrive)... then
> >started the machine w/o the HDD... No problems
> >:-) Actually since my A7000 has a 850 Meg (yuck.
> >,... small ! :-) older IDE HD the CF "felt" a little faster
> >than the hdd
>CF media have a limited life span. Is it feasible (safe and cheap) to use
>them instead of hard disks in a typical QL setting?

It indeed has a "limited" life... however we do not have PCs that write on 
the disks every millisecond ;-)
Theoretically also if you use an IBM Microdrive you are not really using a 
CF card since it is a disk really (very small but still a disk)



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