At 03:32 рм 16/1/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>Once again, no promises. I'm just floating this idea to monitor the
>comments and criticisms, to help me shape the future shape of my projects.
>Although it would be possible to provide the board with ethernet and no
>IDE, this makes no economic sense, so for those just wanting ethernet, a
>smaller board would be provided.
>Comments? Criticisms?

Just one thing, the IDE (w/ CF on) is already designed and practically 
ready (as released sometime ago by Nasta) (called the QubIDE II).... Maybe 
you should work with him on the subject.... ;-)

How about a Sound card instead of the IDE (I like the EtherQL idea a lot... 
go on with it)?
Even better how about designing an Q40/60 ISA to GF bus adapter? So any 
potential cards for the GF could be used by the Q60 (maybe even the second 
processor if that is possible or the graphics part of the card????)

IIRC there was an QL bus to IDE adapter designed sometime (a long time) ago 
for use with ST-506 MFM 8 bit ISA HDD controllers for the QL



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