On  Fri, 25 Jan 2002 at 09:24:16,  Phoebus R. Dokos wrote:

>Hi all,
>following my previous email there MIGHT be a fix for Lexar Cards if we
>use the sH's RAM.
>IIRC sH can store QubIDE's drive parameters in its ram, reducing thus
>the drive identification time of QubIDE.
>It could be possible to "force feed" the sH's ram with the Lexar Cards
>parameters, and therefore make them Work on sH equipped QLs
>I will investigate and inform you  :-)
Files for doing this on Minerva MKII and sH are on my web site.
Follow the files link on the Minerva and/or sH pages.

>If this is found to be True then.... to the previous score add: Nasta
>1, TF 1, Lau 1, ATA protocol 0 (Funny football game isn't it?)
... and Phil Borman 2.

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