Tony Wrote:-

>I remember the Stena boat on the trip to your show, Darren , with Stuart
>getting drunk and bicycles.  It was only when we got on the ferry that
>we recognised it as a very familiar boat from the Harwich - Hook of
>Holland run.  Stuart and I had been on it dozens of times overnight on
>Eindhoven etc trips.  It was ideal, but all ruined when they moved to
>fast cats, with first sailing at about 10am, and nothing overnight.

Agreed. There are several times when I have wanted to be in Wales early so
we can get a head start on travelling in the morning to a Show and as you
say, there are no overnight ferries. I now get the latest one the night
before (hardly late at a usual time of about 4 or 5pm) Would be much better
if I could get one at about 6 or 7am on the morning we are going to drive
from Dilwyn's house.

I was just remembering the story were Jeremy Reeves (a former miracle
systems employee) and Stuart Honeyball went "hill climbing" during that
Irish Show. After Roy & Steve, Bill, you, and me had packed up, they still
hadn't returned, so we drew a map on a piece of paper as to where the pub
was and for them to meet us there when then returned, and hung it on the
handlebars of their bicycles which they had left outside - only to get to
the pub ourselves and find they had been there most of the day, and were
half sozzled.... ;-))

Happy days.. Most memorable for the wrong reasons - it was the following
morning we all woke to the news that Princess Diana was dead. I remember
all of us, including Ian Pizer from Switzerland and his wife standing there
watching the TV in disbelief...

Which reminds me, must get the final bookings sorted for a show over here
again this year. Now I am leaving the bank I will have some additional time
on my hands. Anyone have any preference as to when? I was thinking of July
or August, when the weather is good.


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