At 07:48 AM 3/15/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>On 14 Mar 2002, at 20:22, Timothy Swenson wrote:
> > The person who I think has the best qualifications to lead the group, due
> > to his in depth knowledge of QDOS, SMSQ/E and 68000 assembly code, 
> would be
> > Simon Goodwin.
>I'm not so sure about that, due to his strong opposition against the

I was not aware of any opposition Simon had of the PE.  I know that Simon 
has some strong feelings about how things should be done on the QL and 
TURBO reflects his design decisions.

Whomever the person is they have to be fairly organized, willing to take a 
few barbs from programmers feeling that their code is great and just the 
right thing for SMSQ/E.  I would think the person has to be fairly familiar 
with 68000 Assembly and be the person to do the final build.

So, folks, now is not the time to be shy.  If you feel you have the right 
skills and chutzpah, come one and step up to the plate.

Tim Swenson

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