From: Jochen Merz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A bit of clarification?
Date: Mon18 Mar 2002 12:31:15 +0100

Hi Everybody,

after having spoken to Marcel, Wolfgang, Roy and Tony Tebby,
I think it is time to say a few words.

It all went off quite fast, faster than Tony actually thought.
The idea was that the people involved would meet at Eindhoven
next weekend and discuss matters, to see what can be done.
I guess as you, Wolfgang, got everything going, we will meet
you there too, won't we? ;-)
That's why it took me by surprise.

The future status of SMSQ/E can be discussed there and a
sensible decision can be made. And if SMSQ/E will become 
open source, we do have to find a reliable registrar, that's

The status of QPC, for example, won't change at all.
And - it is SMSQ/E which could become open source, NOT
drivers developed by others. So, Marcel, if you would like
to help the QLers by producing an Aurora colour driver, go
ahead and do so and it can be marketed. There is no reason
why things need to/have to be for free. 

"Commercial" side: for the last two or three years (at least),
traveling to QL Shows had two main reasons: meet people and
collect money for Tony and Marcel. You can imagine that 
traveling nowadays has become expensive and the earnings
of my share actually don't cover the costs, but ... we all
do something to keep it going, don't we?
But, losing this share would mean I would have to cut down
on going to QL shows, and I guess I also speak for Roy, for

I would say that, in general, it is good to see the possibility
of things improving somehow, although I doubt they will (and so
does Tony) just because SMSQ/E may become open source. 
Tony has handed out several copies of the SMSQ/E 
source to various people to allow them to improve and implement
what they wanted to do for the last two years. 
The result: nothing has happened.
So don't underestimate the complexity, don't underestimate
the possible side effects of even simple changes, and please
don't generate expectation which may not be fulfilled, which
in the end may lead to more disappointment on the customer side.

The colour drivers exist for several years now - which application
benefits from it? You see!

I really hope that things get going faster again, and my
feeling is that the modification which Marcel will do to
the Window Manager as described some days ago may help getting
more improvements than whether having an open source SMSQ/E or
not. It's the drivers and applications, which are much more

But let's meet at Eindhoven next weekend and see what kind of
reasonable solution can be found for SMSQ.

See you,  Jochen

Jochen Merz Software - Im stillen Winkel 12 - D-47169 Duisburg
Tel. +49-(0)203-502011 / Fax +49-(0)203-502012 


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