At 07:02 μμ 21/3/2002, Rich wrote:

>No, Phoebus, I am definitely formatting HD disks on the Aurora (2440 
>sectors).  The figures I gave were filelengths...  I tried formatting the 
>disks on the PC as well and this did not work either.

Hi Rich,
My bad... I misunderstood you... Playing too much with Q-Word can confuse 
you :-)))))

>I eventually got the files across by copying to PC format disks, except 
>for the fact that the longer file which fills a QL HD disk would not fit 
>on a PC formatted disk, so I had to split it... Could this be the problem, 
>in that the file was slightly too long for PC formatted HD disks??
>By the way, talking of ED disk drives - the QL formats them at 3.2Mb (we 
>know), whereas the PC formats them at 2.8Mb (and the BIOS only recognises 
>them as 2.8Mb) - does this mean that if I put an ED disk drive in my PC, 
>QPC will not be able to use QL formatted ED disks???  Does anyone know?

IIRC QPC does not support the ED format although probably it could be 
modified (Marcel?) if a 2.88Meg drive was installed.
Given the fact that there are disk formatters that support higher capacity 
formats (Microsoft Windows supports reading them natively although it won't 
format - That was an additional "copy protection" for disk versions of M$ 
programs that came in 1.72Mb disks ) and 3.2 even 3.5 are possible with 
these programs provided you have an ED drive and compatible controller. I 
am also pretty sure that the DOS version of Mtools *CAN* read QL ED disks 
though. (Good luck making it run with Windows ME though ;-) )


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