Hi All,

Most of you by now will be aware of the the fact that I am leaving my
current job (a Sys Admin for the the Bank Of Ireland) and will be running a
new business of my own (a computer training centre/internet and email shop)

Therefore, as and from Thursday 28th March,  at 5pm, my  email at:-


will cease to exist. I have organised a new email facility in the meantime
via my new business, Wicklow Web Centre :-

My new email addresses will be :-

[EMAIL PROTECTED]       (private address)


[EMAIL PROTECTED]     (please mark emails to these addresses for my
attention as 2 employees will access these too!)

My Hotmail addresses will also be kept active (a lot easier if it wasn't
for the spam..)  :-


I will be unsubscribing from the list shortly, for a few days until I can
get sorted. The new email addresses are active though from now onwards, so
can be used immediately although until I leave on Thursday night I will
only be able to check them periodically, if at all.

Cheers, now back to work!!

Darren Branagh.
Q-Celt Computing.

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