----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Waugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Source Code

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Roy Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >that is the optimist view. However there is nothing in the
> > >that would guarantee me that the source code would be
> > >available in the future.
> > >There is nothing in the license that would guarantee me any
of my
> > >changes will get back into official SMSQ.
> > >There is nothing in the license to guarantee me that
> > >or inofficial binaries of SMSQ will be available.
> > There is also nothing in the licence that will guarantee that
you will
> > not be run over by a bus - stop being silly.
> > All of this continual bickering and hair splitting is getting
> > introspective
> > --
> > Roy Wood
> >
> >From a users viewpoint
> when TT allowed smsqe to become open I reckon many users
thought GREAT news
> as TT was giving part time support to it ( understandable and
no disrespect
> intended ), we looked forward to further development and
goodies that would
> justify our continued use of the various system that use it.
> Well I have to tell you guys if as much effort had gone into
code as has
> gone into nitpicking and general etimewasting then we would
have the Space
> Shuttle running on SMSQE by now ( just don't enter any very
long planet
> names though ).
> Just do it - while I still have the faith
> all the best - Bill

I agree entirely with Bill, having spent many thousands of pounds
running several businesses with QLs and SMSQ/E, including Q40. We
stopped because of the lack of development keeping pace with the
market. I was delighted when SMSQ/E was made open source, and
looked forward to a revival in QL fortunes, alas, this is not so,
its not to be open source, which is more to do with vested
interests trying to 'grab the ball', than with what will be best
for QL users, and th QL. I may say that if TT had provided the
support promised to Qubide, Q40 and SMSQ/E, we may have still
been running 8 QLs full time, and spending a goodly sum each year
with traders, to TTs benefit. I, as a user, only see that TT at
last has given access to code, that is long overdue( never mind
copyrights, what about my rights, I have paid good money on the
promise of continuing development. I feel badly treated in this.)
and should have happened years ago. Now the pack are fighting
over the bones. At the end of the day it is we users who decide
to continue with support for the QL, or  to go elsewhere and let
the predators starve to death.
Whats wrong with the Linux setup, it works.  SMSQ would work as
well, even if there were a couple of versions, that at least adds
competition to differant systems and leads to healthy

Tony, Dave sorry to punctuation and grammar, can't see keyboard
for red clouds

Regards to all



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