Dilwyn Jones wrote:

>Peter, one other possibility with this is NOT to sell the binaries as
>such. Rather, if you want support, you buy a support contract and are
>given a unique identifier you quote when you want help from Roy or
>Jochen or D&D or Claus/Peter, plus the OFFICIAL SMSQE the only one for
>which you'll get support. That way, the binaries could be distributed
>for free, but the traders would still make money from the support side
>of things. And part fo the money could still go to Tony and perhaps
>the Registrar would also get a little money for his work in
>maintaining the 'official' distribution.
>Just a thought...

Nice idea, fine by me! The license must say that, though.
If it's not in the license, the developers won't work under it.

Thanks a lot!


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