On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Claus Graf wrote:

> Aha, now we get to know the Merz way of compromise:
> "Accept it or leave it".
> Thanks for making your attitude that clear


No offense to your brother, but you always seemed a lot more reasonable
than him. Can you please help me with something?

I'm not asking these as flippant "making my point" questions, I'm really
trying to understand the answers, but I can't pick out the real answers
from the hype and point scoring ON EITHER SIDE.

Ok, I understand the ill feeling about the license not being true 'open
source', but what I do not understand is...

1. How does the license put the Qx0 team in a worse position with respect
to SMSQ development?

2. What steps or hurdles does this license put in your path, and what
steps, short of GPL, could be taken to resolve those obstacles?

3. What advantages does the proposed license have for you?

4. What is it you're worried about? The impression that is being given by
"your side" is that you wish to develop features for the Qx0 family
exclusively, and you seem worried about having to share those developments
with other branches of the SMSQ family. That is the impression - what is
the reality?

I hope you see this as an objective and sincere attempt by ME, for ME to
understand your position.



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