On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 12:03:03AM +0100, Roy Wood wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Richard 
> Zidlicky<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> <SNIP>
> >Absolutely not. If you are building hardware you can't simply provide
> >the user with an official SMSQ version in EPROM and a patch on a floppy
> >disk and expect him to apply the patch to the EPROM.
> No need. All versions of SMSQ/E for the Qxx (which is what we are 
> talking about here - possibly the GoldFire later but that will have 
> flash ROM) are LRESPR'able over the source code on the ROM. That is what 
> I do because I have an early version of the ROM.

it will break when harddisks are accessed in LBA instead of CHS mode.
Besides, what is the point to require the user to go through additional
hoops like this? The speed argument mentioned later in this discussion 
is tripple nonsense and the authors of it should know better. Surely 
the version control which was intended as the main benefit of this 
license doesn't benefit from an approach like this where user is 
supposed to patch his own software.

In any case this discussion is pretty academic, I do not intend to
do extra work like providing patches just to please a broken license.

BTW how is it possible that newest QPC has some nonstandard SMSQ
extensions? Have these already been included in the official SMSQ 


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