On  Sun, 30 Jun 2002 at 23:19:06, Roy Wood wrote:

>Well that was an interesting tirade. I have no intention of going into
>a lengthy discussion of this in deference to those of you who have
>become as heartily sick of the whole thing now as I was in trying to
>deal with Peter in the first place. I do feel, and I apologise in
>advance here that there are a few inaccuracies that should be stated. I
>will keep this as brief and blame free as I can.
I too hesitate to join this, but I can't see I can avoid it.
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter
>Graf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>I will not explain here all the lengthy details how much effort and
>>prefinancing it required until I could find any commitment from established
>>QL traders in the production. I found only vague forms of interest, nothing
>>I could count on, although I had written software to show that the hardware
>>works, and several operating systems were under construction. Suddenly after
>>Tony Tebby had already finished a running SMSQ/E, financed by me,
>>at my own risk, and Tony Tebby expressed his enthusiasm for my development,
>>I had the surprise to read in the public, that Qbranch and TF Services
>>had made a decision towards Q40 production.
I am puzzled by this.  Right up to the point of my production decision,
Peter and I were negotiating by email.  Quite a few times I wanted to
pull out, but Roy kept me on the hook. I don't know if Peter ever knew

QUOTE (23 Aug 98 email from PG to me)
Roy Wood has signaled he is willing to help me organizing the
production, but I fear this could become a heavy burden for him because
of his lack of hardware knowledge. It could also become a bit difficult
for me, if I am involved in explaining hardware production issues,
looking for the right components, testing, doing repairs and so on.

Now here comes my idea:

Why not ask Tony Firshman if he is interested in producing the Q40?
Obviously this would also mean the right to sell it. I have not talked
to Roy about this idea yet, because I want to see if you are interested
at all. If your answer is Yes, I would like to talk to him first before
we go into the details.

The decision between Roy, Peter and I came after long and protracted
discussions between me and Peter following this initial email.
Up to then I knew nothing about the Q40, and had not even seen it or
Peter, other than from a distance at Eindhoven.
There had never been any private arrangements with Roy up to this point.

>I expressed directly to Peter at an Eindhoven meeting, long before any
>mention of development of SMSQ/E for the Q40, my wish to sell the
>machine for him. My offer was, if I recall correctly (and it was a long
>time ago) to sell the finished working boards. I would never have
>offered to make them because I lack the knowledge and experience to do
>so. It was Stuart Honeyball, who had been looking at the boards for
>Peter, who suggested that I would build them and finance the whole
>deal. I was informed of this at an Indian restaurant prior to a QL show
>in Nottingham. Those present included Jochen, Tony Firshman, and D&D
>who were organising the show. It was Tony who came up to me and said
>'Did you know that you were financing and building the Q40 - Stuart
>says it should only cost around 10 grand'. I remember this very clearly
>because it was a bit of a shock. I talked Tony into coming on board
>because I knew I could not build them.
As Roy says it is a long time ago, and I really cannot remember the
details at all - at least this part of it.
>>My objective was a coordinated effort to cut costs by finding cheap
>>sources. I estimated, that with quantity discounts for 50 boards, and
>>someone who has access to larger parts distributors, DM 350 costs could
>>be reached. I proposed 70% profit for the trader and DM 150 licensing fee
>>for me, which gives a retail price of DM 745. The license fee was originally
>>supposed to finance my development costs, but back then I already had
>>expenses that could not be covered by this licence fee from 50 boards.
>>I clearly stated that my fee would rise rapidly with higher retail prices
>>because that means less produced units. As a trader, Roy Wood should
>>know that my profit is not turnover (my fee), but turnover less expenses.
>I am not too sure what this sentence is saying but Tony and I would
>have been glad to see 70% profit. As it was we could not find parts at
>a price to match Peter's and we argued for a long time about the costs
>and end sale price. During the argument Tony said on more than one
>occasion that he would quit and I had to talk him into staying on
>board. Cheap sources = 'pulls' i.e. second hand parts. I was very
>unhappy about using second hand processors and even more unhappy about
>only getting 20 of them up front I was therefore willing to buy 50 new
>ones from one of my Super Gold Card sources. This would, at the very
>least, have guaranteed 50 identical units at the heart of the machine.
>>My negotiating partners proposed a higher retail price of DM 1050 based on
>>their higher expenses. We clearly stated that we do not agree about the
>>retail price, but without my approval estimated price figures and
>>release dates were already published. Efforts to cut costs were started,
>>and I found cheaper CPU's
>I think Tony has probably something to say about this.
I suppose I have to come in here (8-(#
I bought all new parts that were used in production - the only reclaimed
parts were from Peter.  The processors Roy bought were never even
shipped to Roy by the supplier.
I am not, really, casting any blame here. I have always bought reclaimed
EPROMs, and  8749s for Hermes.
I do not though have any special access to special discounts, despite
Peter's optimism.  I don't know how he worked out the parts costs, but
my calculations (excluding ram/processor) made final board cost almost
twice what Peter had estimated.  There were no new parts available
anything like Peter's projection.

Also quite a few parts had to be bought in more volume than needed
because of package qtys/price breaks.

>That is about all I am going to say on the subject you will all be
>pleased to hear. I am sure Peter has a whole different view on the
>subject and, after all, this is all very subjective. My main concern
>was always for the end user. I may have acted rashly at times and I may
>have not treated Peter very fairly in some people's eyes but he was
>willing to wash his hands of the whole episode at a very early stage
>and I am sure that Tony Firshman has the email in which he said this. I
>deleted them all .
What email was this exactly and when.  I do have them all.

         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
  tony@<surname>.demon.co.uk  http://www.firshman.demon.co.uk
       Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
    TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

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