> Although I bought a copy of QMake many years ago (and have kept it
> up-to-date), I have never had sufficient incentive to get to grips
> with it until now.
> Having set up a dedicated WIN1 for the SMSQ/E sources and installed
> QMac, QLink and QMake, I tried to build SMSQ_GOLD. However,
> whichever command file I give to QMake (e.g. win1_smsq_smsq_link), I
> always get the same error message:
> -XERROR is not a valid option
> This appears to be from QMac (which would be reasonable
> because -XERROR is not mentioned in either the manual or Phil's
> updates_txt)
> Anybody got any ideas/suggestions?
> BTW, I have QMake 4.26

By compiling a short SB program and calling it 'QMAC', I have now
managed to intercept the command line that QMake is sending to the
assembler. For win1_smsq_smsq_header_rel (the first file listed in
win1_smsq_smsq_link), I get:

win1_smsq_smsq_header -ERRORS
win1_smsq_smsq_header_err -XERROR -PC -NOWINDS

Does anyone recognise the "-XERROR -PC" bit? Is QMac 1.01 the most
recent version, or do I need to get an update?


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