Hi Norman,

> You could be on to something here then if Quanta is shipping an old version,
> then mine must be REALLY old ! However, I've patched the QMAKE executable to
> replace -XERROR with spaces (so the length stays the same !),
> With the patched version, I get -PC is not a valid option now :o(

Yes, this is one of the features in the more recent versions.

> So I once more patch the execuatble to remove the -PC option, and this time
> it all JUST WORKS !!!
> So we have a solution, -XERROR and -PC are not acceptable options for some
> QUANTA versions of QMAC. Simple do a binary edit of the program and put
> spaces over the -XERROR and -PC in the file and save it again. These options
> only occur once in the entire file.
> Maybe Bernd could add a new config option for version of QMAC and check to
> see if this is before the introduction of the XERROR and PC options.

.... uh, that's not the real solution as Phil Borman added some other
features which QMAKE may use/uses (don't know, really, it's too long
ago). I suggest that the solution is to use the latest QMAC and make sure
Quanta delivers with the latest version.

> I've now tried a quick qmake on the smsq sources configured for dev8_ and
> guess what, the version of QMAC that I have doesn't like <TAB> characters in
> it's source file. And the source is full of files with <TAB>s in :

Uh, one of the other features I asked for MANY, MANY years ago
when I implemented the TAB compression in QD.
You should definitely get the latest QMAC, Norman.

Cheers   Jochen

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