I missed this thread because of being in hospital after
a mountain bike accident. I'm now recovered but there are
still a few older mails which I have not yet read.
During my recuperation I subscribed at home but there
are a few mails which fell into the hole between, which 
I'm just getting round to reading.

Dilwyn's message here broaches the question of _exe files.
There is however a more controversial aspect: What about
direct execution of exe files? It could be really useful
but opens up the Pandora's box of virus propagation.
What do you think?

On the question of pre-viewing mails before down loading
(comes later in the thread). This is built into the POP
protocol but seems to be a seldom used feature. My little
demo program in the SOQL package could easily be extended
to provide such a feature but I'm still busy with PPP
and I don't think anybody is using it much at the moment
as PPP access is almost universally required.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dilwyn Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] QeyMail question...

>For example, I've recently learned of the difficulty of moving files
>between machines. Headers are a wonderful thing. Would you prefer to
>zip file attachments that are MIME encoded, or a proprietary
>system that will allow you to transfer files with header info? (I
>open up the source of this to anyone wanting to write an FTP client

I don't know enough about the technicalities of what goes on in an
email program to answer directly. What I would like is that zipped
files come out of the user end just like they do from say Outlook
Express - i.e. once saved I can unzip them on either my PC or QL

If you go for a proprietary system, I presume it'd be something along
the lines of my QH system - a small extra file or appended bytes in
the encoded attachment containing just the lost job header (dataspace
4 bytes) so that one could SEXEC the file by using the dataspace
information appended, equivalent of:

SEXEC job_filename$,LEN(job_filename$),base_address,dataspace_bytes

If the file type byte was also sent, it would also allow Relocatables
(S-ROFF) files, or Type 2 files, to be sent. So 6 extra encoded bytes
would send the minimum file header information with the file if it's
not a zipped (or other archived) file. Alternatively, of course, it
might not be too much extra work to send the full file header encoded
with the file. Perhaps it could be encoded in such a way that if no
job header is sent, it would default to decoding just like any other
attachment in any email client.

Inside a zip file of course, the job still has its header, it's only
lost when unzipped to a DOS disk. Unzip it to a QL floppy or Qubide
hard disk or QXL.WIN on a QXL using QL Unzip and header remains there.

While I have no qualms with how the zip file is encoded (may be better
to use same system as the rest of the world), it might be good to be
able to attach QL executable jobs.

>What kind of features not already in common use would give a QL email
>client higher utility value?
The ability to send a QL job or SROFF file unzipped I guess. And
ability to show QL picture files (screens and pointer environment
PICs) at the user end, or facility to call up a viewer program like
pqiv or Photon or Photo-QL to do the picture display. Alternatively,
facility to allow the email client to take use of FileInfo II filename
associations if present. FI2 allows you to specify which program loads
which type of file, e.g. _bas files sent to BASIC, _JPG files sent to
Photon, _TXT files sent to your favourite editor, rather like Windows
file associations. Not suggesting for one moment we let that word rule
our lives, but...

I have been longing for a QL email and internet access system for
ages, but I do not use uQLx (currently the only QL platform with a
finished TCP/IP system) - if I can help to Beta-test or whatever I'd
be happy to try to help.

Dilwyn Jones

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