Hi Rich,
It was Ken Brickwood who was bringing the Level 2 ROMs etc to Byfleet.
I can always refund you for the ROM if you like, maybe the trump card is a version that is incompatible with Level 2 - I know there were several versions of Trump card.
Darren Branagh
Director, Wicklow Web Centre Limited
Computer Training, Web Design, Repairs sales & Upgrades.
Web:  http://www.wwc.ie
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 12:45 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Trump Card Level -2 ROMs

Sorry all,

I seem to have lost the details of who posted a message to this list that they were taking a Level -2 driver ROM to Byfleet.

If anyone has one they do not want, please let me know asap as I shall need to replace the one which I supplied to my customer and then see if we can get the code put back onto his chip set.

Thanks everyone

Rich Mellor
RWAP Software
7 Common Road, Kinsley, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 5JR
TEL: 01977 614299

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