On  Thu, 12 Sep 2002 at 21:25:55, Daniele Terdina wrote:
(ref: <000001c25add$a7eb8ea0$93bcbad0@dterdina9>)

>A few months after the old web site at geocities was discontinued, I managed
>to move it to a new address:
>       http://users.infoconex.com/daniele/q-emulator.html
>Registered users of the Windows version can download an update from:
>       http://users.infoconex.com/daniele/winql.html

Welcome back - and nice to see you are still working on Qemulator.

I must say I was very pleased even with the old 2.0.1!

Is it impossible to find a way around the 720k floppy problem under W98?
Of course I can reboot with a new drive ID, but that is not too
practicable.  If only Tony Tebby had written the floppy drivers for
         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
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