In article <00db01c26897$1e60b580$dc169fd4@johns>, John G Hitchcock

A bit OT ... yet a couple of comments :-)

>It you want to amaze a child used to playing on a games console, try telling
>them that computer games used to come on cassette tapes. In 1982, proud
>owners of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum (which boasted a stunning 16K - that's
>kilobytes - of memory in its basic configuration) would connect the audio
>output of the cassette recorder to the Spectrum's input; the program,
>recorded as a series of high and low tones, was then translated into data
>and loaded into memory.

If anyone is a 'Spectrum' collector then a batch of books, tapes, etc,
will be available at the London Quanta meeting in November.  These were
passed on by Roy Wood.

>Getting a handle on the preservation of this digital data is the purpose of
>the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC), which last week announced an
>action plan "to ensure that the digital information we are producing is not
>lost to current and future generations".
>At the launch of the project, which has backing from 19 UK organisations -
>including the Public Record Office (PRO), the Joint Information Systems
>Committee of the Higher and Farther Education Funding Councils (JISC), the
>British Library and the University of London - a pertinent example was
>mentioned: the BBC Domesday Project. This was a multimedia project that
>eventually produced a pair of interactive video discs, made by the BBC, to
>celebrate the 900th anniversary of the original Domesday Book. More than a
>million people contributed in some way, providing offerings from schools and

My school was one of the contributers to this project ... and had photos
of the local High Street, etc, on the Domesday Disc.

Problem was it required a special player, made by Phillips, which didn't
become popular - the discs were the size of LP records.  So I guess few
will ever be able to read this electronic Domesday in future !

>These were then stored on the discs and could be viewed using a BBC Acorn
>computer. It was claimed that it would take you more than seven years to
>look at everything on the discs. However, by the time you had looked at all
>that content, the computers would long since have become obsolete. And
>that's pretty much what has happened: "As a multimedia resource and
>interactive learning tool it was unsurpassed," said Loyd Grossman, chairman
>of the DPC. "Yet despite those achievements, the problems of hardware and
>software dependence have now rendered the system obsolete. With few working
>examples left, the information on this incredible historical object will
>soon disappear forever."

I can attest to that !

>Items are sent to the PRO when they are at least 30 years old; most are
>weeded out over time, and regarded as not worth keeping as a matter of
>historical record about the working of government, and so the PRO only
>receives 3 per cent of the paperwork that was generated in any department.
>It was even so for 2001 - covering the period stretching back to 1971 and
>(for more secret documents) even earlier, which generated a stack of paper
>that covers the equivalent of 1.5 kilometres (0.9 miles) of shelf space. And
>in a few years, there will be more and more computer tapes and disks. The
>question is, how should they be preserved? And what is the best medium and
>encoding format to make them available over the long term, perhaps hundreds
>of years?

I expect pen and paper,and newsprints, etc, will still be around for a
long time to come.

Malcolm Cadman

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