Christopher Cave wrote:
> I now have the latest version of QPC running under W98. Since I
> believe that the DOS device has been rewritten,

The PC part is mostly new, the 68k part stayed almost the same.

> I tried out opening it as a directory in MVIEW. This uses the qdir
> type calls in C68. NO LUCK and hence no change. I raised this some
> time ago with Dave Walker who explained why that result was to be
> expected.

Well, what was the explanation? I don't know MVIEW nor the qdir calls.

> But wait a moment. If I open DOS1_subdir_ as a directory I get a 
> result and can browse down that sub-tree of the DOS1_ directory.
> What happens if I switch from the sub-directory to the parent
> directory, i.e. DOS1_ itself? Again success, so now I can browse 
> the whole of DOS1_ but still cannot open it straight off. 

Just to get it right, MVIEW fails if you try to open dos1_ straight
away but it works if you first open a sub-directory?

> Any ideas Dave or Marcel?

Unfortunately I have next to no data to base any ideas on ;-)

I especially don't know qdir and what it does differently from other
directory reading routines. If I get told in what way DOS behaves
differently to other devices I can try to change that. But mind you
that a 100% perfect emulation is next to impossible. Directories in
QDOS were only implemented as an afterthought.


  • ... Christopher Cave
    • ... Marcel Kilgus
    • ... Marcel Kilgus
    • ... Christopher Cave
      • ... Marcel Kilgus
    • ... Christopher Cave
      • ... Marcel Kilgus
      • ... Malcolm Cadman
        • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
          • ... Michael Berger
            • ... Phoebus Dokos
              • ... Michael Berger

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