--- François Van Emelen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Of course, this isn't very important for most of
> you,I know, but my 
> programming skills are limited to Sbasi, so I really
> need those 
> Toolkits/Extensions.
> And now, back to listening mode for a while, I
> suppose.
> François Van Emelen

There is not much more to say, I agree with you.
Most of the remaining comunication today are via
"private e-mail". 
And believe me , there are a lot of these e-mail, I do
not know why (lies....) but after SMSQE sources
delivery the situation is degraded to nihil.
I personally never had programming assembler
experiences before , but with the smsqe sources
available and the big need of improving the system it
is a pity to see what is happening.
Maybe it is time to demonstrate some more availability
, otherwise the interest could die a lot faster .
Anyway I have a question .
I am still trying to remove MOVEP from the SMSQE
sources : it is proved that the Q60 is a lot faster
avoiding the software emulation of Movep.
What I did is a simple substitution of MOVEP with 3
other instructions as was discussed in previous mail.
Assembling the new module went Ok , not so for the
linker that gave me a "Truncation Error at offset xxx"
. It is obvious that the new code is longer than
before , the question is : how can I debug this ?     
I know that this kind of operation was already done in
Qdos Classic 3.25R , but the sources are not
available, the last I have are 3.25P.
Any help for a poor, low level, programmer like me -)
-) ?

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