In article <LKRQUSMJGBZUPOIPJ2YRO2ZIGH1WML.3dc5717b@quantumcentral>,
>Την 3/11/2002 1:21:46 μμ, ο/η Malcolm Cadman 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> έγραψε:
>>In article <ONDC97QMM4X41B3W96VQJF21WTCQN.3dc55d73
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>It is plain text (Opera mailer only sends plain text) but set to 
>Windows-1253 (Greek) codepage which some 7bit ascii mailers 
>or non-international aware mailers misinterpret.... but that's 
>only my header ;-) What that thing says is "Phoebus R. Dokos 
>" well, it's a tradeoff I have to make... the other option is to 
>set it to UTF-8 and pray for the best ;-)

Ah ... see above for what I see of your emails.

Turnpike gives the unrecognised character set - 'Chinese symbol' - and
prompts for the email to be read in Notepad.

>>>From my RISC-OS graphic programs, they usually give the 
>option of Floyd-
>>Steinberg, amongst some others ( from memory ).
>>Maybe you can have a tick box system to set the options 
>required ?
>Certainly, it does have the option to switch dithering methods 
>and certainly the Floyd-Steinberg will be included...

OK ... I've just put my hand on the manual for a program called
'ImageFS' for the RISC-OS, which acts as a graphic file system ...
giving conversions 'on the fly' for various graphic formats.

As you know, in RISC-OS the standard is 'Sprite', and on the QL it is
'SCR' or 'PIC'.  So the 'native' system needs to be able to deal with as
many of the other types as possible ... 'GIF', 'TIFF', 'BMP', 'JPEG'
etc, etc ... for conversions.  Which can be either way, which is very

This short quote from a page in the manual may help you with your
thinking around your program :-

"When SPRITE FORMAT is set to OLD, any 16 0r 32 bpp sprites will be
reduced to 8 bit equivalents on-the-fly. The method used to converts
these photo-realistic 16/32 bpp images into images with a limited number
of colours ( 8 bpp ) is set by the DIFFUSION setting.

Because the colour reduction loses picture information, DIFFUSION will
try to scatter the remaining picture data to improve picture quality.
Two methods ( SIMPLE or FLOYD-STEINBERG ) can be employed or the setting
can be turned off using NONE ( in which case colour reduction will still
take place but without this scattering technique ).

The choice of method here depends on personal preference and the type of
picture being loaded.  FLOYD-STEINBERG tends to give the best results
for photographic images, while SIMPLE or NONE at all are better for
simple line-art illustrations."

Note : 8 bpp Sprites ( OLD ) are a fixed 256 colour palette,  ( NEW )
deep Sprites are 16/32 bpp.

Malcolm Cadman
  • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
    • ... Malcolm Cadman
      • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
        • ... Malcolm Cadman
      • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
        • ... Malcolm Cadman
    • ... ZN

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