POV does NOT write directly to the screen, it open a
scr channel and write there, does not write directly
to the screen location !!
You do not have to do basically nothing different to
have POV working on QPC or on Q60 , I doubt you have
an old version.
This is my setup : 
- SETENV "POVINI=win2_pov" in boot file
- ex win2_pov_gccpovray;'+i'&nomefile$&' +d0'

Thats all, POV use mode 33 or 32 depending on which
platform is running.


--- Wolfgang Lenerz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <color><param>0100,0100,0100</param>On 13 Nov 2002,
> at 9:54, Malcolm Lear wrote:
> <color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>> 
> > I was wondering if anyone can explain why programs
> such as
> > POV Ray only work on Qx0 machines.
> </color>Mainly because they check whether they ARE
> running on such a 
> machine, and, when not, just give up.
> The reason:
> The Qx0 on the one side, and QPC/QXL on the other
> side have 
> incompatible High colour modes.
> The Qx0 has mode 33, QPC/QXL mode 32. In both cases,
> when 
> you look at the data representing on pixel on the
> screen, the colour 
> is coded on one "word" (16 bits).
> For mode 32, this is coded as:
> Narrow</param>gggbbbbb rrrrrggg
> </color><FontFamily><param>Arial</param>where for
> mode 33 this is coded as:
> <color><param>0100,0100,0100</param>gggggrrr
> rrbbbbbw
>  (where W is 1 if any two of the highest bits for
> the other colours 
> are 1)
> In many applications that doesn't matter, since,
> when writing to the 
> screen they just use the OS (SMSQ/E) which handles
> the 
> "painting" onf th epixels correctly.
> Other software, however, such a POV, will write to
> the screen 
> directly, this writing a word for each pixel into
> the screen memory.
> To avoid getting funny colours all over the screen,
> this software 
> checks whether it runs on a machine that has the
> corresponding 
> mode - if not, it gives up.
> Other software is a bit more intelligent
> (accomodating?) and paints 
> the screen corresponding to the mode it runs in...
> ></color>
> <color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param> I can see that
> the
> > colours would be incorrect on other platforms such
> as QPC,
> > but don't understand why they refuse to run. With
> all this
> > talk of maintaining OS compatibility on different
> platforms
> > it seems strange that a lot of new software has
> major
> > problems dealing with something new like GD2.
> </color>As there are only really 2 major high colour
> screen formats, and as 
> there only thing one really has to do is some byte
> shifting, software 
> could/should be written to take both formats into
> account - IF you 
> really have to write to the screen directly!
> Wolfgang
> <nofill>

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