
All things I wanted to integrate into WMAN are now there, though some
still need to be tested. Unfortunately I'm running out of time and
will probably have to (almost) stop SMSQ related work for a few weeks.
For testing purposes I have also created a system-palette QPAC2. This
at first looks exactly like the ordinary white/green windows. But when
the palette gets changed to some other scheme it can for example look
like this: http://www.kilgus.net/qpc/qpac2.png
Still early stage, but already nice, I think. The mouse pointer there
is my mode64 test pointer (clone of my windows pointer as I'm not good
at that stuff).

If some programmers want to play with the new features I can probably
build a test version, but QPC only at the moment. The development
state is too early to be integrated into the other versions. That will
probably follow in December.

Finally, for anybody interested I have attached the current system
palette. That should be almost the final version but I am of course
still open for suggestions.


sp.winbd        equ     $0200   ; Window border
sp.winbg        equ     $0201   ; Window background
sp.winfg        equ     $0202   ; Window foreground
sp.titlebg      equ     $0203   ; Title background
sp.titletextbg  equ     $0204   ; Title text background
sp.titlefg      equ     $0205   ; Title foreground
sp.litemhigh    equ     $0206   ; Loose item highlight
sp.litemavabg   equ     $0207   ; Loose item available background
sp.litemavafg   equ     $0208   ; Loose item available foreground
sp.litemselbg   equ     $0209   ; Loose item selected background
sp.litemselfg   equ     $020a   ; Loose item selected foreground
sp.litemunabg   equ     $020b   ; Loose item unavailable background
sp.litemunafg   equ     $020c   ; Loose item unavailable foreground
sp.infwinbd     equ     $020d   ; Information window border
sp.infwinbg     equ     $020e   ; Information window background
sp.infwinfg     equ     $020f   ; Information window foreground
sp.infwinmg     equ     $0210   ; Information window middleground
sp.subinfbd     equ     $0211   ; Subsidiary information window border
sp.subinfbg     equ     $0212   ; Subsidiary information window background
sp.subinffg     equ     $0213   ; Subsidiary information window foreground
sp.subinfmg     equ     $0214   ; Subsidiary information window middleground
sp.appbd        equ     $0215   ; Application window border
sp.appbg        equ     $0216   ; Application window background
sp.appfg        equ     $0217   ; Application window foreground
sp.apphigh      equ     $0218   ; Application window item highlight
sp.appiavabg    equ     $0219   ; Application window item available background
sp.appiavafg    equ     $021a   ; Application window item available foreground
sp.appiselbg    equ     $021b   ; Application window item selected background
sp.appiselfg    equ     $021c   ; Application window item selected foreground
sp.appiunabg    equ     $021d   ; Application window item unavailable background
sp.appiunafg    equ     $021e   ; Application window item unavailable foreground
sp.scrbar       equ     $021f   ; Pan/scroll bar
sp.scrbarsec    equ     $0220   ; Pan/scroll bar section
sp.scrbararr    equ     $0221   ; Pan/scroll bar arrow
sp.buthigh      equ     $0222   ; Button highlight
sp.butbd        equ     $0223   ; Button border
sp.butbg        equ     $0224   ; Button background
sp.butfg        equ     $0225   ; Button foreground
sp.hintbd       equ     $0226   ; Hint border
sp.hintbg       equ     $0227   ; Hint background
sp.hintfg       equ     $0228   ; Hint foreground
sp.errbg        equ     $0229   ; Error background
sp.errfg        equ     $022a   ; Error foreground
sp.shaded       equ     $022b   ; Shaded area
sp.3dobjbg      equ     $022c   ; 3D object background
sp.3dobjfg      equ     $022d   ; 3D object foreground

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