In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, James
Hunkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>If you have the programs, could you send me the additional details (I 
>need this for any submissions to be added to the data base).
>1) a list of the actual file names of the executable code
>2) title of the program
>3) a very short description of what the program does (editor, window 
>designer, game)
>4) a list of any executable files that are support files and are not 
>meant to be run directly (IE: no icons should be made for them)
>5) optional : any minimum command line requirements
>Again, thanks.  I appreciate your help and suggestions.

2 programs that I use from Dilwyn Jones are :

Q-TRANS - 1 - qtrans_obj, qtrans_rtm,  ( qtrans_doc )
          2 - Q-TRANS
          3 - File transfer package using dual windows
          4 - None, requires pointer environment, expanded memory
          5 - None.  Can be configured with Config or MenuConfig

ULIB    - 1 - ulib_obj, ulib_rtm, ( ulib_doc ) - non pointer
              ulibptr_obj, ulibptr_rtm, ulibptr_doc - pointer env
          2 - ULIB and ULIBPTR are UNZIP LIBRARIAN
          3 - Use UNZIP archiving to uncompress files
          4 - None, two versions one non-pointer, other pointer env
          5 - None.  ulib_config supplied

Thierry Godefroy's :

ACP     - 1 - acp_obj, ( acp_help )
          2 - ACP - Archivers Control Panel
          3 - Interface to archiving various formats
          4 - Qlib_run336mod - modifies Qlib_run.  Requires pointer env
          5 - None. Does not require Toolkit 2, has own extensions.
              Configured from within the program itself.

Mark Knight's upgrade of Editor :

EDITOR  - 1 - editor, ( editor3_txt )
          2 - EDITOR 2000
          3 - Text editor
          4 - Requires - turbo_TK_CODE for QDOS
                         sms_bin for SMSQ
              Non pointer env
              Has own congfigure - edt_config
              Has own printer - edt_prt
              Has various example files, electronic documentation, etc
          5 - None.

Jonathan Hudson's port :

LYNX    - 1 - lynx, ( readme_txt )
          2 - LYNX
          3 - Text only HTML/WEB Reader with Unix file conventions
          4 - Requires env_bin present
              boot sets the following :-
              setenv "TERM=qdos"
              setenv "TERMINFO=win1_Lynx_terminfo"
              setenv "LYNX_CON=512x256a0x0_6_0_4"
              Has own configure - lynx_cfg
              Non pointer env
          5 - None.

Adrian Ives :

SHELL   - 1 - sh, ( whatsnew_txt )
          2 - SHELL
          3 - Command line interpreter for QDOS
          4 - None.  Uses several _c extensions
          5 - None. Uses 'ew' not 'ex' to launch.

Malcolm Cadman

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